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THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2019Ruyi's World of Books & Stories Interview with Carlos Farias CEO (Wicked Comics)
Q. How would you describe yourself?
As the founder of Wicked Comics I consider myself to be a very driven individual. I always try to push the limits and always looking to develop new characters and stories. We have over 140 different characters and plan to release a comic every few months.
Q. Tell us something about the comics/books/contents that you have written or created and the story behind them.
So far we have three titles out. Clownman, KillSwitch and DragonMasters each are different stories. Clownman was our first release and is a rather dark story revolving around a circus performer called Chris Mason. He is a victim of an unspeakable crime and he is left to discover the horrors that are hidden within Dark city. Killswitch is an anti hero character and prison inmate named Mark Roberts. He is subjected to this top secret program to develop the perfect kill agent under this military organization. Dragonmasters is a huge universe in itself something similar to Masters of the universe and Star wars. The story takes place in this planet known as Dragonia and there is a powerful symbol known as the Dragon Eye. There is an ongoing conflict between Slayers powerful Dragonslayers that use the darkness of the Dragon Eye and the Masters who use the goodness of the Dragon Eye to try to take back their lands that have been infiltrated by the Slayers. Each of these comics is going to be a huge ongoing series.
Q. What place does writing or content creation hold in your life?
It plays a huge role I believe. Without a great story just having good art gets rather boring I believe. A story is what keeps fans interested and makes them want to follow the character.
Q. What is your writing process, or a typical writing day routine which include creating your comic characters?
I would say a typical day varies for me. I do basically everything for the company from comic books, action figures and key chains. Sometimes, I will be drawing, other days coloring. It’s a pretty grueling schedule but you have to be consistent in this industry
Q. What marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
I try to have a few different means to promote; a website is always a good idea. Instagram, Youtube and Facebook have enabled me to grow a solid fan base and keep growing.
Q. What do you think makes a book or comic sell, or makes a reader buy it?
I would say if the character has something that is relatable to the reader more than fantastic art I believe. Of course the art helps but a solid story line is more important I believe.
Q. What's the most moving or affecting thing a reader has said to you?
Just the feedback I get from readers and fans has been amazing they keep asking me when the next issues are coming out and that means a lot that they enjoy the Wicked characters.
Q. What are your favorite three comic characters, and why?
My top three are Spawn, Deadpool, Batman. I like them because I really enjoy their back stories and just the design of the characters always drew me to them.
Q. Who are your favorite three comic creators and what do you like the most about them?
Todd Mcfarlane, Jim lee and Rob Liefield. The 90’s were probably the biggest influence in why I created Wicked Comics. I don’t really read modern comics at all anymore.
Q. Tell us about the works/comics that you are currently working on and their progress.
At the moment I’m working on two other titles BloodStone and Cronus. Bloodstone is a story about an assassin named Bishop Cross who comes in contact with a fallen angel containing an ancient deadly stone and is transformed in a new blood guardian. In the story there are several different stones each giving whoever comes in contact with it a different ability. Cronus is a Greek mythology story in which he is set out to kill the goddess of power Aurelia the only human mortal strong enough to kill the gods but something happens in the story and Cronus becomes a slave to the underworld and he must set out on a journey to recover a war horse named Arion in order to Kill Hades.
Q. What challenges do you think are faced by writers and content creators like you, what's the worst thing about the industry according to you?
I would say it’s hard to stay original. We live in a time that mostly all story ideas have been done to death but there is always a way to put your own twist to your own original characters and stories.
Q. Apart from writing and creating wonderful comic characters, what goals do you want to achieve in life?
I just want Wicked Comics to be a successful company similar to Marvel, Dc and Image. I feel we have the potential to be just as big as these companies because I believe we have very original stories and characters for future generations to enjoy.
Q. What message do you want to share with budding writers and content creators?
Just follow your dreams and try to be the best at whatever it is you want to pursue. It’s an extremely hard industry but if you believe in yourself things will happen for you just be persistent.
Q Where can readers find you on social media?

One Man Show: Carlos Farias Releases DragonMasters Through Wicked Comics
Carlos Farias is the creator, writer and artist of the recently releasedDragonMasters #1. DragonMasters is the third title he’s self-published through his company, Wicked Comics. It was a pleasure to talk with Carlos about his inspiration for DragonMasters, character design and worldbuilding, the struggles of indie creators, creative collaboration with fans, DIY action figure production and much more!
JR: How long have you been creating comics, and what made you want to start? What’s the Wicked Comics origin story?
CF: I started about three years ago. The plan was to stay one hundred percent independent and to try to create new ideas and stories. If you look at the market, lot of the books out there are the same characters doing same things over and over. I want to create new stories, new ideas and new characters. I see a lot of people who do the same superhero-type invincible hero. I just feel like there’s always room for different ideas.
JR: You are credited with character design, story and art on DragonMasters. Do you collaborate with anyone on the Wicked Comics titles, or are you a one man show?
CF: It’s pretty much a one man show. I do all the writing, developing the characters, artwork and coloring. That’s why sometimes it takes me a little bit longer to launch a title.
JR: I’m finding out when I interview creators that music often plays a huge inspirational role in their work and creative process. You’ve released three books up to this point: the first, ClownMan, about a clown vigilante, the second, KillSwitch, about a criminal who becomes a super soldier, and your most recent,DragonMasters, featuring a world of wizards, knights, barbarians, magic and dragons as well as advanced technology. Out of personal interest I have to ask: do you listen to hard rock or heavy metal music?
CF: It depends on the title. Definitely music plays a role in each story. As far as ClownMan, I see it as a dark underground world. The type of music that fits with it is almost like industrial rock because ClownMan was inspired by The Crow and the Joker. The same goes for KillSwitch. The music is more of a scientific or futuristic soundtrack. DragonMasters is definitely fantasy. I listen to a lot of fantasy type music in the vein of Conan, Masters of the Universe and Dungeons & Dragons. A lot of that played a role. It’s fantasy music like instrumentals. For DragonMasters I type in fantasy music and try to put myself in that world.
JR: So you search by music theme?
CF: Yeah, for ClownMan I’ll search for creepy carnival music. It helps a bit if you’re running into a blank, you hear something and it might spark a new idea.
JR: ClownMan and KillSwitch are both dark, gritty superheroes. DragonMasters is your new book. What made you want to depart from this theme to do a heroic fantasy book?
CF: I didn’t want to be typecast as always doing the same thing, or want people to think, “Oh this guy’s a dark person.” As far as the company goes, I want as much variety as I can get. DragonMasters is a fantasy book that’s not your standard comic book character. In the future, you’ll see I even have a cartoon character. So there will be a variety of books, not just superhero titles.
JR: So that allows you to find the audience for Wicked Comics?
CF: Right! It helps get a variety of people interested. For a single book, maybe people with certain interests will be drawn to that story. A good variety of ideas and stories will help to bring a bigger audience to my creations.
JR: Please tell readers a bit about the world of DragonMasters and how the book came to be.
CF: It was always in the back of my head. I wanted to create this fantasy land. The story takes place in a world called Dragonia. How it came about is that I’m really big into Star Wars. I always liked that conflict between the Jedi and Sith. This is my twist on that but in a world of dragons. There are even crazy backstories for each Slayer and each Master. You can keep going into this world and finding out more about each character.
JR: Is this title going to be an ongoing series?
CF: Yeah, that’s the plan. You’re gonna see certain relationships between the Masters and the Slayers in the upcoming issues. You’ll see things between them that you never saw coming. There will be plenty of twists and turns in the story. There’s also going to be all kinds of races like cat warriors. So yeah, all kinds of stuff!
JR: One aspect I think fans will be excited about is the mix of technology and fantasy in DragonMasters. What made you decide to incorporate science fiction technology?
CF: I wanted to throw a curve to the fantasy world. Take Conan the Barbarian for example, it’s strictly fantasy-based. But in DragonMasters, the Masters have their sanctuary called the Lair. When they bring in new Masters, they train them with a hologram dragon. They can practice and become better dragon slayers. So that’s the idea – to combine the technology aspect with swords and fantasy. It adds a different feeling to the story. Maybe there will be battles with Slayers armed with high tech guns but also with swords. There might also be special technology to capture dragons.
JR: One of the most interesting, unique and original characters in DragonMastersis the Emperor. What can you tell readers about him?
CF: See the design of that character? See how he runs off of tubes that go into his body? He runs off of the blood of dead kings. He’s a ten thousand-year-old dragon slayer. But because he has that blood running through him, he remains young and powerful. It all has to do with rejuvenation. The blood that flows through him gives him his power. The dark side of the Dragon Eye also gives him power. The Dragon Eye in Dragonia is like a religious symbol that has powers. If you’re an evil dark person, it gives you dark power. If you’re a good person, you use the good side of the Dragon Eye. It’s almost like something you channel.
JR: The Kickstarter campaign for DragonMasters #1 is currently live. What would you say to anyone undecided or on the fence about backing the Kickstarter to convince them to get on board?
CF: For each comic I release, I try to do a Kickstarter for it. I haven’t funded through Kickstarter, but people purchase the books on their own. I would say to them that DragonMasters is unique and different. It brings a new world of fantasy to readers. It combines technology, dragons and dragon slaying. There’s tons of battles, and there’s going to be many characters each with their own identity and backstory. It’s going to be something that I feel like will continue for a long time, somewhat similar to Masters of the Universe.
JR: Many times it’s difficult for indie creators to complete books and bring them to market. They have to face a number of obstacles including getting enough time to work on them outside their day jobs, family obligations, problems with printers, finding the money to pay for print runs and just the motivation to keep going and finish the project. Are there any challenges you’ve faced on the road to bringing DragonMasters and the other Wicked Comics books to fans?
CF: Oh absolutely! Definitely motivation. What motivates someone to keep on going? Maybe they’re not seeing a lot of outcome from it, or not really making making a good living from it. To me it’s the fans. They write to me and say, “I’m looking forward to this title. When’s this title coming out?” That’s what keeps me going. Time is also hard to find sometimes. I spend so many hours working on titles. It’s endless. The hardest part is developing the story and coming up with the designs of the characters. A lot of times the first design of a character isn’t the finalized design. It takes me a long time to finally get the right look for each character.
JR: You’ve had great success in soliciting fan art of Wicked Comics characters from the artist community. I was listening to another interview where you said that some of the art you received even inspired you as you were creating later iterations of the ClownMan character. Can you tell readers more about this?
CF: Absolutely! The first iteration of ClownMan was almost like a cartoon, not how you see him now. I got some fan art from from an artist named Frank Soto. He drew ClownMan realistically, almost like The Crow. With that I kept on redesigning. A lot of the changes I make come directly from the fans. The public – they’re the ones who dictate whether the character is going to be successful or not. I always listen to what they say.
JR: Can you tell readers a bit more about what you’re doing with toy design and the Wicked Comics action figures?
CF: A friend of mine who I met on Facebook was getting into making molds at home. We thought it would be a cool idea to bring these creations to life as figures. We brainstormed and came up with different ideas on how to do it. I sculpt the figure from clay, and then I make a mold out of it. I pour plastic into the mold, and then I paint them all by hand. I make the packaging, design it on the computer, print it and glue it on the boards.
JR: So you’re doing all the sculpting, mold making and casting for the toys as well as creating the comics? How do you have any time to sleep!?
CF: Yeah, every day there’s something to do. I also do all the trailers. I do all the mail-outs. So I basically do everything.
JR: Many comic shops have a special section for local and indie comics. I think it would be awesome to see a Wicked Comics mini-display featuring your books and action figures together so customers see the whole immersive world you’ve created. Have you thought about getting any shops interested in something like this?
CF: You know, actually I did. I went to two different shops here in Florida, but they weren’t too inviting. This was when I released ClownMan. They seemed disinterested. But it’s part of the whole thing. I know that success doesn’t come overnight.
JR: Maybe now that you have a few more titles under your belt as well as the figures, shops will start to take notice and show some interest. All the struggling shops out there need something local, different and unique to pull in customers and differentiate themselves from the competition. Are you doing any comic book shop signings or tabling at convention artist alleys to promote and sell Wicked Comics?
CF: I did one comic con so far. It was Hero Hype in Miami. It was a small con, but I sold a few books there. A few of the fans who bought books there, I still keep in contact with them. One guy comes to my house every time I release a new book! But I was planning on doing a convention in April called Ultracon. So you might see me there with ClownMan, KillSwitch and DragonMasters.
JR: Where can fans find out more about Wicked Comics and DragonMastersonline?
CF: Just Go to www.wicked-comics.com. The site has a comics section and right now I have DragonMasters on pre-order. I haven’t gotten the print copies yet, but I should have them soon. You can purchase the pdf of DragonMasters. You can also purchase pdfs and print comics of KillSwitch and ClownMan. I also have a section for the figures.
JR: Are you linking the DragonMasters pre-order to the KickStarter now?
CF: On the bottom, I always have the current Kickstarter that’s live. I do the Kickstartersmore for people to check out the company and the characters. You have to get your name out there. I use it as a way just so people can see my artwork and stories.
JR: Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me today! If you’re up for it, I look forward to interviewing you again when you release your next title.
CF: Yeah, absolutely!
Interview by: James Ross
Indie Comix.net
The founder of Wicked Comics, Carlos Farias is not one to shy away from taking a risk or seizing an opportunity. As an independent comic book publisher, he writes, draws and self promotes the company himself. With that being said.. It is no surprise that he has now started sculpting his own action figure line for the WICKED UNIVERSE. Starting with the already sales worthy ClownMan, as seen below.

Farias gave an exclusive statement to Earth 7269 regarding his thoughts on going into the action figure and bust field, which you can read below
“Oh man I’m pretty pumped , I always had the idea in my head but didn’t know how to mass produce the sculpted figures. A friend of mine basically introduced me to the whole process of mold making and casting. I sculpt the figures then make a mold , then cast or pour the mold with plastic and you get a full 6 inch figure.
I’m starting off with 6 inch (figurines) at the moment and almost wrapping up the Clownman figure, followed by a Killswitch figure.
You’re probably gonna see a figure produced for each comic that releases from Wicked.”
Farias has also announced a free-to-enter Killswitch giveaway contest. Prizes will include a free comic, am action figure, exclusive poster, and more to be announced. You can watch the video below for more information on the contest.
Follow Farias and Wicked Comics by going to the links below.
Website: http://www.wicked-comics.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/wickedcomics305
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/12819…
Youtube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQo3…
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wicked_comics/
PayPal : cfarias1983yahoo.com
Cash AP: wickedcomics
I’m willing to admit, you probably haven’t heard of this comic. Clownman is a comic published by new-kid-on-the-block Wicked Comics, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t a comic you should check out. For Wicked Comics, this is their first showing, meaning that Clownman is their debut book. We, here at geekicide.com, felt that this comic would serve as an excellent start to our new series on indie comics, Up-and-Comics. So, without further ado, let’s begin looking at Clownman Issue 1.
Now, it would be remiss of me to not start out with the fact that this entire comic was done by one person, Carlos Farias. He did all the artwork and illustration, selecting a digital medium to convey the story, and all the story and character development as well. This truly was a one-man project, and we can not say enough how daunting of a task and a challenge that really is. This one book must be the culmination of hundreds of hours of work and love done by this one and single artist. This really is something to be commended by itself.
The characters and story is where we will turn to next. This first issue revolves around a traveling circus that just hit the town of Dark City. Dark City is a place, well, let’s just say that if Sodom and Gomorrah had babies, Dark City would be the ugly red-headed stepchild. This place is as hardcore as they come. Our protagonist is Chris Mason, a lowly clown employed by the circus, who is also in love with the owner’s daughter, a gypsy named Sura. Our anatagonist, Don “La Muerte” Corrone, presents himself at the end of the circus’ show, giving the troupe an ultimatium, hand over Sura, or give him every cent the circus owns to keep her. I’m just going to leave off their for spoilers sake.
Honestly, I like how this comic starts off. It’s slower than a lot of comics, but don’t think that means it lacks content or creative. I felt like the first couple of pages really set the rules of the world extremely well. This is very much a dark horse kind of story and needed that extra world-building to really make you feel lost in the story that is being weaved in front of yourself. I almost felt like I was a member of the audience, watching the performers going through their acts. Clownman picks up tempo when it needs to as well. Trust me when I say shit hits the fan quite a lot, and that’s a good thing. I’ve noticed with this comic that things tend to have an almost violent duality to it. One sec, things are super happy and light and chipper, and the next thing you know there is blood on the concrete, and things go super dark. I loved it. This kind of separation in tone was needed to make the comic feel more intriguing, and in some ways enduring. You have much more of an appreciation when things are going good, and feel more conflicted when things turn sour.
On the illustration side of things, the digital medium they chose to go with was a very fitting choice to use for this style of comic. It allowed greater freedom for Farias to focus more on setting the right lighting, mood, and tone for the comic. If this same comic was done in traditional ink, I don’t know if he could have captured the same feel that he had done with the digital. There are some minor blemishes here and there on the details that can be distracting, but nothing glaring poor. Everyone still looks like what they should each frame. Where they out did themselves is on Mason. His overall design with his makeup and outfit was expertly crafted and makes him look like such a freakin’ badass. Seriously, there are several frames of him that I wouldn’t mind having as tattoos.
Overall, this was an amazing way to start a comic series. Farias built tension, excitement, and suspense with each page. The story carries the illustration at moments, but it is well worth it. I not only look forward to reading the next comic in this series, but also the upcoming offerings that Wicked Comics puts out.

Interview With Carlos Farias of Wicked Comics On Clownman
It has been eleven very long months since we last spoke to Farias on the proceedings of his comic book “Clownman” – With the release of it coming just a few short weeks ago, Earth 7269 got to have a candid Q&A with the creator/publisher. And on a side note.. What a way to get the website back up!
INTERVIEWEARTH: Since we last spoke in February, a lot has happened! Aside from your first comic being released(Clownman), what has been going on in the Wicked Universe?
FARIAS: Hi JT! good to be back my friend. A lot has been stirring up since we last spoke. Killswitch issue 1 is getting to the final stages; should be on sale and ready to go in the next three months. Our third official comic “DragonMasters” is gonna be the next comic dropping soon. I know you been waiting for that one Ha. “Bloodstone” will be released after Dragonmasters. I think we will have a good diverse line up for the fans out there.
EARTH: Oh! Can’t wait for “DragonMasters” With Clownman being published after all this time.. What does it feel like as a creator to see and hold your own work in your hands?
FARIAS: 2. It’s a surreal experience.. You put all this time , effort and when you finally have it in your hands.. It’s really satisfying that all the hard work finally paid off.
It takes double or triple the time for me to make an issue since I do everything myself. From the coloring, drawing, story and marketing process.
EARTH: That is pretty amazing how you do all those things for your comics. Now on a selfish note.. I gotta know when DragonMasters is coming! Can you tell us any information about DM or any other projects going on?
FARIAS: Dragonmasters is finally all inked up and ready for color! It’s gonna be a 24 page issue and I’m really excited for it.
I grew up watching Masters of the Universe and reading Conan comics. People that have seen some of the art (from the book) say it reminds them of those types of genres, but completely different.
It’s a diverse world of all types of Dragons and Dragon Slayers so I’m really looking forward to finally releasing it. You’ll get to see a struggle between the Masters ( those who fight along the good side of the Dragon eye) and Slayers (those who chose the dark side of the eye). Draco is one of the protagonists and he sets out on this journey alongside Ragnar (the magician) and the Masters to try and defeat the Slayers ,those who killed his father and most of his people of his kingdom.
“Killswitch” is the second comic to release and it tells the story of criminal Mark Roberts .He gets subjected to a deadly program to create the perfect kill agent. In the story you will see other agents created in similar programs trying to kill him.
He has no recollections of his past and that’s how the issue starts. He’s trying to find out more about the program who created him
EARTH:Where can people purchase Clownman #1?
FARIAS: You can get Clownman issue 1 through the Wicked Comics website for 9.99 with free shipping or you can paypal your paymebt directly to cfarias1983@yahoo.com.
I’ll be opening a store section as well where people can purchase other Wicked Merchandise as well. T-shirts, trading cards, custom action figures, etc.. Anything related to the Wicked Universe will be on there.
5:I want to thank you for your time, Carlos. It has been a pleasure getting to watch your comic come to fruition. I know it was no easy task. What did you take away from thus that may help other aspiring creators?
6: Finally we bring this candid Q&A to a close. Thank you for all of your time. In closing.. What would you like to tell our readers?
FARIAS: Thanks! I really appreciate you having me back. I found out how hard it is to finish up one issue as well as trying to complete several issues at the same time. I was working on three issues simultaneously when I was doing Clownman and it’s very time consuming, but worth it in the end.
You have to be very driven to make comics on your own because it’s no easy task and I respect anybody who does it on their own.
EARTH: Finally we bring this candid Q&A to a close. Thank you for all of your time. In closing.. What would you like to tell our readers?
6.Thanks JT, its always fun to answer any questions that you have. This is just the beginning! With over 120 plus characters in the universe and hundreds of stories, the sky is the limit. Lookout for Killswitch next and DragonMasters following after that.
To all the fans out there: Thanks for the support. I am looking forward to your feedback on the comics.
Thanks again JT. Always have a great time with you and the Earth comic reviews.
A major thank you to Farias of Wicked Comics.
Earth 7269 website Link: https://earth7269.wordpress.com/2018/01/01/interview-with-carlos-farias-of-wicked-comics-on-clownman/

Wicked Comics is a next gen comic book company created to bring new stories, characters to the new generation. Our first comic "ClownMan" is now on sale and will be releasing several other comics soon. Clownman is a story about a circus performer called Chris Mason, he is a victim of a unspeakable crime and as a result gains new powers and becomes a ruthless vigilante. " KillSwitch" is a story about a criminal named Mark Roberts, he is subjected to a deadly top secret program to create the perfect kill agent and is implanted with a special device called a Killswitch. When the device is activated all his senses are heightened and his percision to kill becomes easier. For more information check us out here @
website: www.wicked-comics.com
paypal: cfarias1983@yahoo.com
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1281928911830327/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/wickedcomics305.
Youtube: https://youtu.be/GqLYpszSKRk
instagram: wicked_comics
Tumblr: Wicked Comics
How do you motivate aspiring artists to follow your lead in creating comics?
DEC 27, 11:23PM EST0 REPLY

- Hi Edward I would tell them to be as original as they can and try to create something different. We live in a time were mostly everything has been created and originality is very hard to come by. Don't listen to standard guideline what I mean by that is you will see alot of how to break into comics books say you have to follow a specific guidelines or your book should have this many pages . I say do whatever works for you and make your books stand out from the rest.

Greetings Carlos.
Congratulations for your job and for following your dreams until now as a comic artist.
Are you living from this job (comic artist) or do you have another job?

Greetings Catalina, Now that I finally released my first comic I am working full time on all the comics for my company wicked Comics.
Did you get a formal education in animation and graphic design?

- Hi hazel I am self taught just from studying other artists that inspired me like the creators of image comics jim lee, todd mcfarlane, Rob liefield.

What are your thoughts about some people who might drop out from the comics industry over the next few years?

Well I would say I couldn't blame them ,it's tough sacrificing work. To reach a high level of success is very difficult but it can be done.

Who is your favorite comic illustrator?

That's a tough question, I don't have a all time favorite , I like a variety of styles from comics to cartoons but definitely my top are Todd Mcfarlane, Jim lee and, Rob Liefield.

Do follow certain guidelines in writing comic books?

I don't follow any Guidelines . I have a basic idea of where I want the story to go and just create on the spot . I don't thumbnail the whole book or story.
Did you collaborate with a writer for the storylines of the titles?

No collaborations whatsoever all u see are my creations . Definitely if the company keeps growing I would like to format some sort of team to finish all the comics.
How many people are working with you?

At the moment just myself . I create all the artwork , characters and stories for Wicked Comics.
Have you collaborated other publication company for your book?
DEC 26, 11:10PM EST0 REPLY

At the moment I don't ave any collaboration with another company but if the opportunity presents itself , I would be all for it if it's something that will favor both companies.
How did you handle the sales and marketing of your production?
DEC 26, 10:34PM EST0 REPLY

Right all the sales and marketing is done by myself through the website www.wicked-comics.com . I use a few social media outlets as well like Facebook and instagram but that's about it for the moment.
The genre you have depicts a dark world, how did you try to captivate your readers as far as the story is concerned?

In Clownman it's a cursed very dark city . Around every corner you encounter a different villian or something sinster. In the first issue you see two villians a big shot caller crime boss "LA Muerte" and the head of his drug cartel called "GoldSkull". Every issue you will see a different villian ,in total he has over 40 villans so far.
What are the essential tools in creating a comic book?

You have to create something unique , not just your typical superhero. What drives this character , the more layers the character has the more you can do with it.
Have you created some kind of a series comics as well?

This is my first with Clownman and second with Killswitch. Every character is going to have a series of books that tell there story.

Do you think that comic industry at present is still considered as a lucrative business?
DEC 26, 12:44PM EST0 REPLY

Lucrative for a few the rest do it because it's a passion or a hobby. Only a few reach it to the top and actually make a good living doing this others just struggle throughout their lives making ends meet. You have to make a tough decision a put everything on the line to pursue what u love and hope for the best.
Who among the famous comic creators would you most likely want to work in the future?
DEC 26, 10:36AM EST0 REPLY

If i ever have the chance definitely the top three artists I mentioned . Mcfarlane, Lee and Liefield if the opportunity presents itself And they pencil in a book for Wicked I would be all for it.
Do you have other business apart from creating comic books?

What makes your recent book "The Clownman" interesting to read?

Ask yourself this question. What would you become if something horrific happen to you our your family ? I think we would all become something totally different . Clownman is a story about a circus performer called Chris Mason ,he is a victim of a unspeakable crime and as a result gains new powers and becomes a ruthless vigilante. It's not your typical ordinary superhero story . It's something unique and how doesn't like the sound of a Clown dishing out some vengeance on some villans that destroyed other people's lives.

Can you name one success story you can share as far as producing comic is concerned?

Sure as a result , I have been asked to several interviews Ama being one and having alot of fun answering all your questions. I also had another interview posted on YouTube from Josephs books which was a live interview I did. My ultimate success is just the feedback from the Wicked fans they all seem to enjoy the character and all the characters that are coming soon.
How many stories have you released under your publications?

Clownman being the first , Killswitch second than we have another 3 original stories being released afterwards. Bloodstone, DragonMasters, Cronus, and Justice. Comic book readers better have thier seats buckled up because Wicked Comics has several titles releasing soon. Our first Comic will be a 32 page "ClownMan" comic you will get a bit of his backstory and look into who Chris Mason was before he becomes this vigilante superhero. Killswitchis also nearing the final stages it will also be available in both print and digital form aiming for about 28 pages in total with advertisments featuring teaser pages form other Wicked titles. Two comics which are halfway complete are " Bloodstone" and another title for fans of the science fiction fantasy genre called "DragonMasters". Bloodstone tells about an assassin called Bishop cross he comes in contact with a fallen angel containg a very powerful deadly stone know as a "Bloodstone". This stone transfoms him into this deadly caped crusader that must now seek other stones and protect the Bloodstone from a powerful hell seeking rebellious angel called "Gabriel".Each stone contains a special ability. Death stone, Leap of faith stone, BloodStone, if a stone falls into the wrong hands it lets arise very dark and forceful abilities to the individual that comes in contact with the stone. Another title that is dropping soon is a title called "DragonMasters", if you are a fan of fantasy this comic will really get your blood pumping. In a universe far beyond lies a struggle between light and darkness. Slayers those who use the evil of the dragon eye, and masters those who use the good side of the eye. A dragonslayer named "Draco"will lead an alliance to combat the slayers in an ongoing battle to defend there kingdom. This is going to be a huge universe I could say similar to how big dungeouns and dragons is with hundreds of characters. Justice is a futuristic story that takes place in the year 4050 and planet earth has been destroyed by a massive meteor attack.Humanity was able to escape to a new found planet called Solaris. The planet is infiltrated by a dark alien race that wants to enslave and exterminate humanity.There only chance for survival is a ancient symbol found within the planet that calls for a superhuman and protector of the universe called "Justice". I am alsoa huge fan of greek mythology and another project We are working on is a character called "Cronus" He is abandoned by the God's and becomes a slave to the underworld and he must seek out a powerful warhorse called "Arion" to fufill a pact with a demon known as Dagramon.Three other projects I would like to tell you about are "Bullet","SilverWolf" and "PhantomMan". Bullet is our first AfricanAmerican character and he is a werewolf assasin that was cursed by a ancient ancestor."Silverwolf" is our first native american character and we are having his setting take place in a western setting with many characters and villians."PhantomMan" takes place in a dark victorian setting and tells a story of a rich count called Alexander Dumont, he is betrayed by his best friend and trapped to burn to death in a haunted theater.We have so many characters in projects going on its hard to tell you every singleone. We are also making a whole line of Wicked Trading cards so fans can get familiar with the huge Wicked Universe.On the back of each car you will get character information, power , ablities and what kind of weapons each character has at theierdisposal. We are very excited to present all these new ideas and stories to all comic book fans out there.

How did you conceptualize your storyboard for a certain genre?
DEC 26, 12:47AM EST0 REPLY

I never really story board any ideas they just come to my mind after getting inspired by something I might have experienced or seen in the past.

What were your greatest setbacks as a comic creator?
DEC 25, 11:21PM EST0 REPLY

It's hard as an independent creator to get your foot in the door as they say. You just have to be persistent and have determination. Just try to be as unique as you can others will hopefully follow.
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Wicked Comics is a next gen comic book company created to bring new stories, characters to the new generation. Our first comic "ClownMan" is now on sale and will be releasing several other comics soon. Clownman is a story about a circus performer called Chris Mason, he is a victim of a unspeakable crime and as a result gains new powers and becomes a ruthless vigilante. " KillSwitch" is a story about a criminal named Mark Roberts, he is subjected to a deadly top secret program to create the perfect kill agent and is implanted with a special device called a Killswitch. When the device is activated all his senses are heightened and his percision to kill becomes easier. Now with the release of Clownman issue 1 , the second issue is already in the works. We have been getting postive feedback from the fans and I'm excited for what the future brings. We are planning to release several comics per character so stay tuned.
For more information check us out here @
website: www.wicked-comics.com
paypal: cfarias1983@yahoo.com
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1281928911830327/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/wickedcomics305.
Youtube: https://youtu.be/GqLYpszSKRk
instagram: wicked_comics
Tumblr: Wicked Comics

Do you have a certain number of pages that your book should be consisted of?
JAN 11, 10:48AM EST0 REPLY

I dont believe a book should be any format or a fixed amount of pages. I say do the needed amount of pages to get your story across for that particular issue.
JAN 13, 12:19AM EST0 REPLY
Do you plan to create a TV show which will follow the story of the book?

Yes I plan to do Tv shows, video games and action figures. Comic books is just the beginning .
JAN 13, 12:21AM EST0 REPLY
Would you change anything according to readers’ needs and feedbacks?

I do it all the time. The fans are the best because they are honest. I have changed things around multiple times because fans give me good feeback in order to make better comics
JAN 13, 12:22AM EST0 REPLY
When you write, do you solely use your divine inspiration and flow of thoughts or you make a plan how to write it?

Flow of thoughts is the best way to describe it. Sometimes images come to me or flashes and I am able to put those ideas on paper and develop a story around them.
JAN 13, 12:23AM EST0 REPLY
Are the children all over the world still reading comic books?

I'm pretty sure comics are still popular around the world its a universal past time. Comics bring alot of joy to especially children and adults.
JAN 13, 12:26AM EST0 REPLY

Does this comic book contain thrillers and horror stories as well?

Yes it does, each comic that you will see in the Wicked Universe has a thriller in it and especially in Clownman there are many aspects of horror in it.

I find it odd people really like horror, comics or movies.
What motivated you to write comics and do you write something else besides them?

What motivated me is what I see in comics our the same characters ,the same stories repeated over and over again. With Wicked Comics I'm creating brand new characters and stories for future generations to enjoy.

What are some new trends you see in comics today and would you try them out yoursef?

What age is this book intended for?

I would say all ages just like Batman is a dark story but kids still like the character. I was reading those type of stories at a very young age .

As a writer how do you create a title of your book, in the beginning, or in the end?

I just have a basic idea and create the story from day to day. I'll sit down start drawing a page and it might be from the middle of the story. All depends on what I come up with on that particular day.

I think the question was more about the naming process ..
Are those characters just a product of your imagination or do they rely on some other characters from the past?

All from product of my imagination some characters I always had in the back of my mind and now bringing them back to life as I opened the company.
What means would you use to make your work famous and popular?

That's hard to say and not everything is written in stone of how to make your work successful. I would say just put your out there on social media copyrighted of course and try to build a following.
Are all stories similar to each other in terms of plot and dissolution?

Every story is a completely different world revolving around different characters. Some characters will meet up with each other in later issues.

How much time do you need to write a comic book?

Not much time now I plan on releasing a 15 page comic every 2 months or so. Story artwork and marketing.

What kind of marketing is involved to successfuly release a comic?
Do you have any challenges or impediments while writing a comic book?

Where u want the story to go is the hardest part. I usually try to imagine myself through the characters eyes and what challenges he or she is facing at the time.
What comic books are your favorites?

Definitely enjoy Spawn ,Spiderman , Batman anything Marvel or Dc.

Spawn rules, cant get enough of.

Do you think that there could be something new written, or anything that is written now is just a copy of the previous books?

Of course there can, everything has mostly been Created but you can still come up with unique and fresh ideas.
Could readers learn about some moral dilemmas and truths from the comic books?

Sure they can , some stories do touch on aspects of life that you can always learn something from.
Where do you get comic ideas?
What kind of advice would you give to another writer?

I would say if you get stuck on ideas just look around from inspiration. Go to a musical , a concert ,or the movies. Something will give you inspiration to write about.
Would you prefer children read comic books or watch television? Could comic books educate or just entertain?

It all depends I grew up on both tv and comic books but no Internet aha. I would prefer comic books as they help children their imaginations and help with reading. Comics do both educate and entertain.

Would you consider some discounts in order to sell your books?

Absolutely I'm all for discounts and pricing things at affordable prices so everybody can enjoy.
Do you give away to charity?

Are there more actions or descriptions in your comic books?

I would say a bit of both . There is a good amount of actions as well as descriptions in all the books the going to release.
What time of the day do you dedicate to writing? Is there a certain time when your inspiration is better than at some other time?

I am definitely not a morning person so I would say anytime after 12 pm is when I am able to produce most work.

Who had the most influence on your writing?

As far as writing I don't have any particular author that I try to mimic. I just create things that come to my mind from inspiration.

Who is the first to read your still unpublished comic book and does he/she affect your decisions on possible changes?

I sold over 100 copies of Clownman issue 1 and the fans really help me decide and make changes for future issues.

Not necessarily I think it's about equal. Alot of people who read comics also read novels and vice versa.